Declared Emergency Leave: This applies for a period when an employee is not performing the duties of their position for specified reasons due to an emergency declared under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. The leave ends on the day the emergency ends.
For more information please refer to: Your guide to the Employment Standards Act: Declared emergency leave | Ontario.caInfectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL): Members are entitled to take a leave for a period when they are not performing the duties of their position due to reasons related to a designated infectious disease.
Employers are required to provide a minimum of 3 days of paid leave, at a rate of $200 per day, to employees who are absent from work due to IDEL. Paid IDEL is available for reasons including COVID-19 testing, waiting for results, being sick with COVID-19, getting vaccinated, having side effects from vaccination, self-isolation, or care or support of family members for such reasons. The days do not need to be taken consecutively.
Paid IDEL applies from April 19, 2021 until September 25July 31, 20212022, unless extended by regulation.
For more information please refer to: Your guide to the Employment Standards Act: Infectious disease emergency leave | Ontario.ca