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11.3 Disclosure of Information

Disclosure Policy

HOOPP has a policy to ensure that there is no improper disclosure of Plan and member information, and to ensure that disclosure practices within HOOPP are consistent.

Employer Requests

As a general rule, HOOPP will provide you with any information or documentation that you have submitted to HOOPP for an active member that you need to assist you in your role in administering the HOOPP benefit. You can request any Plan documents you require to administer HOOPP. Investment, member, and corporate information may be disclosed if the request is reasonable, and confidentiality issues have been addressed.


HOOPP will assess any other member requests for information on a case by case basis, but will generally not disclose internal documents or employer correspondence until required to do so. HOOPP does not release copies of Independent Medical Examination (IME) reports directly to members but HOOPP will send a copy to a member’s physician upon request.

Third Party Requests

In general, with the member’s consent, HOOPP may disclose information that it would share directly with a member to a third party that the member has authorized HOOPP to share it with. This can include a member's lawyer, accountant, power of attorney or other authorized agent. HOOPP will only disclose information with the member’s consent and only to the extent that the member has provided HOOPP with authorization to share the information. A letter of authorization for this consent is available on HOOPP Connect or by contacting Member Services. However, members may also prepare and submit their own request in writing. If you receive requests about disclosure to third parties, refer the member to HOOPP for more information.
