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Important Members who are within the first 15 weeks of an unpaid health leave during periods of Ontario-declared emergencies for COVID-19 will be provided with contributory service for the period of their unpaid leave that coincides with a declared emergency. This applies for the following declared provincial emergency periods:
The process for reporting these leaves remains unchanged. Additional information is in section 5.6 Special Situations (Click Here). |
A member may be entitled to disability benefits for a period that also qualifies as a statutory leave. Also, a health leave may immediately precede or follow a statutory leave. For example, a member on a Pregnancy-Parental Leave may qualify for HOOPP disability benefits for the period during which she the member would not have been able to work for health reasons related to pregnancy or childbirth. In such cases, the type of leave(s) that are reported to HOOPP and the contribution remittance should be consistent with the member’s situation. Two distinct periods of leave should be reported if the member switches from a health leave to a statutory leave, or vice versa. Keep in mind the member’s right to continue contributions in respect of a period of statutory leave that does not otherwise qualify for free accrual, as discussed in section 5. Leaves and Layoffs (Click Here).