HOOPP’s MDC process is the annual event where employers provide details of member’s participation for the previous (most recent? might be a better choice of words as we may open MDC mid Dec) calendar year. This data is used to;
Update member records
Calculate benefits
Produce personalized Annual Statements
Prepare the Plan’s valuation reports
Reconcile contributions remitted
Employers are required to provide the following data during the Member Data Collection Process:
Contributions, Weeks and Pension Adjustments for active periods (these are new contacts they won't know what this means)
Deemed Earnings for Contributory Leaves (isn't this only for non full time now?)
Employment Status changes that occurred in the MDC year including effective dates (aren't we asking them to do this throughout the year but giving an option to also due during MDC?)
Retroactive Pay Information (these are new contact they won't know what this means - could it also be covered in the first bullet?)