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Step-by-step instructions on how to complete the regular monthly remittance.

After logging into HOOPP Insight you will land on the Dashboard
home page.

From the Remittances tile,

select View All.

This will take you to the

Remittances screen, which

lists all of your remittances.

Your regular monthly

remittance declaration is

automatically created for you to complete

and submit to HOOPP.

Select the upcoming monthly

remittance declaration from the list.

Then select View/Edit Remittance.

Enter the Employee Contribution amount.

The Employer amount will automatically populate and display in the employer field.

Select Save and Continue.

Note: You can also add Member Level Transactions as part of the regular remittance process. Please refer to the Ad Hoc Remittance job aid for further instructions.

Next, select any Outstanding Invoices or Unapplied Credits (if there are any) that you would like to add to this remittance.

To select an invoice, click the check box in the Outstanding Invoices section. Selecting an invoice will increase the amount to be remitted.

Credits can be seen in the Unapplied Credits section. Selecting a credit will reduce the amount to be remitted.

The Amount to Pay field shows the total amount to be paid to HOOPP.

Select Review to proceed to the next step.

Review the remittance information for accuracy.

To print a copy of the remittance information, select Print.

Then select Submit to send the information to HOOPP

A Submission Confirmation window will appear. The Next Remittance period will automatically populate.

Select Submit to complete the submission.

Then select Confirm to complete the submission.

The submission now appears on the Remittance listing page.

Select the listing to see a summary on the right.

Then click on the HOOPP Insight logo to return to the Dashboard homepage.

"Rather watch? Click the Contributions Definitions Video"