For Plan Rules, please visit the Admin Manual: Link

The Member Data Collection (MDC) is an annual process whereby Employers submit to HOOPP their member data via HOOPP Insight.  

The Member Data Collection is used to gather annual information for all active members including:

  • Member Contributions 
  • Contributory service weeks and
  • Pension adjustments 
  • It also includes information regarding leaves or temporary periods of reduced earnings (also referred to as an Approved Work Schedule Reduction), where a Part Time member has made contributions for those periods
  • It may also include Annualized Earnings if a member waived contributions as a result of an employment status change from Full-time to Part-time
  • And any Employment status changes or Leaves of absences, if they were not previously reported throughout the year.

Based on the information collected, HOOPP updates the member records. This information is then used: 

  • To calculate a member's benefit entitlement
  • To generate the HOOPP annual member statements and 
  • Update member information on HOOPP Connect.

The MDC data collection will be available to you to work on from the Data Collection tile of the HOOPP Insight dashboard. There are three ways to provide member information within the MDC data collection:

  • Manual Entry – manually input the member data one member at a time
  • File Builder – download the MDC file template and input information directly into the template
  • File Upload – upload a file containing all of your member’s data

Prior to preparing your import file or manually entering your members records, we recommend you ensure you have completed; all of your enrollments and any other outstanding events including terminations, retirements, leave start or end dates, status changes as well as secure mail items. Completing this ahead of time will decrease the number of  errors/warnings you will need to address in your MDC. 



If you had employees who were eligible for continued HOOPP benefits during the declared provincial emergency, please ensure you submit your MDC information for these members no later than the end of January. This will help avoid any delays in your T4 reporting processes.  

The PAs provided to you through the MDC process will not be accurate for these members as they will not automatically include the service that was granted as part of this benefit.  Once you have submitted your MDC, HOOPP will need to recalculate the PA values for these members. After the PAs have been recalculated, you will be able to retrieve them from the Member Information Report on HOOPP Insight. Your Employer Services Specialist will reach out to you when the revised PAs are available.

Below are links to the MDC videos which will walk you through, in order, how to complete your Member Data Collection.


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"Rather Watch? Click here to view the MDC Overview Video"