Learning Centre

HOOPP Plan Text & Employer Administration Manual

This site is for learning purposes.  The HOOPP Plan Text serves as the legal foundation of the pension plan and HOOPP’s governing document.
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To understand the responsibilities and tasks required for participating in the plan, please click on link below for the Employer Administration Manual.
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Latest Updates from HOOPP!

Welcome, physicians!

For more than 60 years, HOOPP has been providing secure pensions to Ontario healthcare workers. Physicians play an important role in Ontario’s healthcare sector, and we are pleased to announce that HOOPP is now open to eligible incorporated physicians across the province.

Learn More:

New incorporated physicians

Employer MFA

As part of HOOPP’s ongoing focus on securing member data, we are introducing multi-factor authentication (MFA) to the HOOPP INSIGHT employer portal on June 12, 2023.

MFA is a simple and effective way to prevent unauthorized account access. It is also an important step in building and retaining trust by ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and security of member data.

Learn more:

MFA - Logging on to HOOPP Insight