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This is a step-by-step instruction on how to complete your annual Member Data Collection (MDC) via manual entry. Follow the steps below and refer to the corresponding screenshots provided in each section.



Once on the HOOPP Insight Dashboard:

Go to the Data Collections tile, and select the MDC Data Collection that has been initiated by HOOPP. 


Select Add Manual Entry to enable data to be entered for your members.  


Begin entering your member information in the data
fields. Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Note: The mandatory fields for Leaves of Absence and Contributory Leaves are only
required if a Leave is being reported.

Select Save to continue.


Repeat this step until all member information has been provided.


When you have entered information for all your members, select Validate.

Any input errors will be presented on screen and must be addressed before proceeding to the next step.


Input errors have will be display and can be worked on by selecting the member.

Select View Member Data to work on the record. 


When all your member data has been entered and any input errors have been cleared, select Validate to initiate business validations.


Business validations may take time depending on the number of member records.

During this time you can continue working within HOOPP Insight, or on other applications on your computer, as long as Insight is left running in the background.

You will receive an email alert when the validations are complete.


Once the business validations are complete, you will be presented with members who have data warnings that need to be addressed, or data errors that need to be corrected.

You will need to address all warnings and errors in order to proceed (see Section 3).


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