Following are step-by-step instructions on how to view your Account Summary information and generate Account Summary reports.
After logging into HOOPP Insight you will land on the Dashboard home page.
In the Account Summary tile, you will see any Outstanding Invoices or Unapplied Credits.
Click on the downward arrow to see a breakdown of the amount(s).
To view more details, select View All.
Any outstanding invoices or unapplied credits will be listed on the Outstanding Transactions page.
Note: Any overdue invoices will be displayed in red.
Select Account Summary Reports to start the report generation process.
To generate a report, select the Report type and then enter the Employer code and Employer Name in the Report Parameters tile.
Then select Run Report.
The report now appears on the screen. From here you can sort, search or save the report.
To save your report, select the appropriate format from the Export drop-down menu.
Then select Back to Account Summary to return to the main page.
Below is an outline of the Account Summary reports and where to find them within HOOPP Insight.
Report Name
Replaces Previous Report(s)
Report Accessibility
Remittance Activity Report
Employer Contribution Report (ECR)
Shows a summary of invoices and remittance details applicable to a specific period. This report can be used to view invoices that will be included in the annual reconciliation.
Report Generator
Payment Summary
This report provides a summary of payments received during a specific period.
Report Generator
Outstanding Invoices and Unapplied Credits
Displays the list of transactions with a remaining balance by date sorted in ascending order.
Report Generator
Remittance Declaration Report
Lists the employer contributions declaration details sorted in ascending order of Transaction Date.
Report Generator
Account Transaction History
Displays all employer transactions for a specified period.
Report Generator
"Rather Watch? Click on the Account Summary Video"