7.2 Disability Pension
A member who has been determined by HOOPP to be totally and permanently disabled can choose to receive free accrual or a HOOPP disability pension. A disability pension is an immediate, unreduced pension based on the contributory service (including free accrual) accrued before the member’s disability retirement date. Before a member can collect a disability pension, they must terminate employment at all the HOOPP employers where they work.
HOOPP disability pensions do not include early retirement benefits, therefore there is no bridge benefit paid with a disability pension. A member who receives a HOOPP disability pension cannot convert it to a HOOPP retirement pension. If a member is assessed as being totally and permanently disabled, they are not required to apply for a HOOPP disability pension or to receive a disability pension if they choose not to. If an LTD insurance carrier insists/requires that a member must do so, this is a matter between your organization, the insurance carrier and the member. To be eligible for a HOOPP disability pension, a member must:
Be on a health leave or in receipt of free accrual
Have contributed to the Plan before the start of their health leave
Be under age 65
Have less than 35 years of contributory service
Submit an application to HOOPP before terminating their membership in the Plan including a completed Application for Disability Benefits and Attending Medical Practitioners Assessment to HOOPP – previous statements will not be sufficient
Be assessed by HOOPP as being totally and permanently disabled
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Current as of January 2, 2025