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Member Data File Specifications

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Data Submission Options & Guidelines

There will be 2 primary ways in which data can be provided to HOOPP ranging from manual entry to almost complete automation. 

They include:

    • Manual data entry via an on-line tool within our Employer Portal
    •  File uploads
      • Using a pre-programmed file (created by your IT department or payroll provider)
      • Using HOOPP’s ‘file builder’:  a pre-formatted .csv / excel-compatible template to update
        information directly into a spreadsheet. 

Information submitted to HOOPP can be done using any combination of the above options as summarized below:

Member Data TypeFrequencyOptions Supported
Member Data Collection (MDC)AnnualFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Contributory LeavesAnnualFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Leaves of AbsenceIn-year

File Upload, File Builder, Manual

EnrolmentsIn-yearFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Final Data: Retirements / TerminationsIn-yearFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Member Information UpdatesIn-yearFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Previous Year Adjustments (via Remittance process)In-yearFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Retro Contributions (via Remittance process)In-yearFile Upload, File Builder, Manual
Lump Sum Contributions (via Remittance process)In-yearManual Only
Retirement NoticeIn-yearManual Only
Final Data: DeathIn-yearManual Only

Important: For in-year transactions, we recommend you report this information to HOOPP at least monthly in order to streamline your annual MDC reporting processes.

Additionally, for member events such as Enrolments, Terminations, Retirements, Pre-Retirement Death, information should be reported on a regular basis so that we do not delay providing benefit information to our Members. 

In order to help determine which data submission options makes most sense for your organization, we have provided some recommendations and high level guidelines for how best to submit information to HOOPP.

  1. In general for Employers with more than 40 HOOPP members, we recommend file uploads be used for the following:
    • Member Data Collection (MDC)
    • Contributory Leaves o Leaves of Absence*
    • Retro Contributions

2. As a second priority, and depending on transactional volumes and member count, we recommend you also develop files for:

    • Final Data – Retirements / Terminations*
    • Enrolments*
    • Member Basic Information (for full-time / part-time status changes)*

*This information is provided to HOOPP throughout the year.  If file uploads are used you can simplify your reporting processes by uploading these files on a periodic basis such as each pay period or each month. 

3. Manual data entry is recommended for low volume transactions that normally include:

    • Member Basic Information (for Name, SIN, Contributory Status changes)
    • Previous year adjustments (submitted via the Remittance process)

Document Purpose

The purpose of the Member Data File Requirements Document is to provide requirements for implementing the file upload changes associated with the new file formats that will be available to Employers for upload through the Employer Portal.
This document will include: 

    • General file requirements 
    • File specifications for each file type 
    • List of valid code values – e.g. leave types, full-time/part-time indicator, province, language, etc. 
    • Sample CSV files for each file type

NOTE: calculations specifications have not changed from current state.  Please refer to the HOOPP Employer Administration Manual for calculation requirements and examples.


This section provides the detailed requirements for the new file formats that will be available for upload and submission to HOOPP from the Employer Portal.

General File Requirements

The following are the general file format requirements that applies across all files.

Req IDRequirement Description
G1Files must be encoded in ANSI format.
G2Files must have a “.csv” extension.
G3Data is delimited by a comma.

Files must contain a header record in the first row of the data field and delimited by a comma.  All headers are mandatory, and each file must contain all specified headers even if no data is being reported under that header.  

The header names are listed in the “Field Name” of the specific file layouts in the sections that follow.

G5All fields must follow the order as specified in the file layouts in the sections that follow.

Each field must follow the supported data types as indicated in the file layouts.  Data formats supported include:

    • Date format will be MMDDYYYY
    • Alphanumeric fields supported values range from A to Z and 0 to 9
    • Character fields supported values range from A to Z and 0 to 9 and include all special characters
    • Codes must be provided according to the “Interface Codes” section 
      Note: Each file layout has it’s specific set of applicable interface codes 
    • Integers are to be provided without thousands separator symbol
    • There are no left padded zeros for numeric values
    • Decimal symbols is the period (.) symbol

The following file types must NOT contain multiple lines for the same SIN.   

    • Enrolments 
    • Member Basic Info  
    • MDC 
    • Final Data (Termination & Retirement)

The following file types may contain multiple lines for the same SIN.

    • Non-contributory leaves 
    • Contributory leaves 
    • Retro contributions 
    • Previous year adjustments

For example, if one member has a retro payment that impacts multiple years, the member record will be repeated for each year of retro data.

G9SIN, Last Name and First Name are mandatory fields in all files. 
The SIN will be used as the “key identifier” in each file to match reported data to the associated member record that HOOPP has on file.  
If the SIN, Last Name and/or First Name values are different from what HOOPP has on file, the reported values will not be used to update the members information that HOOPP has on file.  
SIN, Last Name, Middle Initial, and First Name can be updated as part of the Member Basic Info file only.  SIN and name changes reported via the Member Basic Info data process (either through file upload or via manual entry) will update the Member’s information that HOOPP has on file.  

You must only report net new data changes for the following in-year data files:

    • Member Basic Info 
    • Events (Termination & Retirement) 
    • Enrolments 
    • Retro Contributions 
    • Previous Year Adjustments

Employee information should not be duplicated file over file.  For example, an employee’s termination information must only be provided once in a single file.  

MDC Data - File Requirements

This file is provided annually as part of the MDC (Member Data Collection) process. 

Information provided in this file will update all active member’s employment record with HOOPP related to contributory service, required contribution amounts, pension adjustment and changes in their full-time/parttime status.  It also allows you to provide Annualized Earnings for your employees that waived the right to contribute (prior to January 1, 2014) as a result of an employment status change from Full-time to Part-time. 

Information provided must only include members who are active (i.e. currently employed). If the member terminated employment within the year they must be excluded from this file since the data has already been reported to HOOPP. 

The following is a summary of requirements for reporting total weeks and contributions: 

  • Weeks and contributions reported should reflect both regular and overtime hours up to the full-time equivalency with contributions deducted on the straight-time portion of all pensionable earnings that are paid in the calendar year.   
  • Total weeks and contributions reported must not exceed 52 weeks for a given calendar year. For example, if the position is based on full-time of 1950 hours for a full calendar year, then contributions are deducted on all pensionable earnings up to 1950 hours. Contributions should not be deducted for hours the member works above the FTE for their position in any year.  

  • Exception: In a 27 pay period year weeks must also not exceed 52 weeks, however you must report contributions from pensionable earnings for the extra pay period, even if the member has already reached the FTE for their position on or before the 26th pay period. Contributions should be deducted on all pensionable earnings up to the FTE for the member’s position plus the regular hours associated with the additional pay period.  
  • For example, if the position is based on full-time of 1950 hours (37.5 hours per week) then contributions would be made to a maximum of 2025 full-time hours. 

  • Reported weeks and contributions are based on the maximum full-time standard hours that are available. This means that, if a member is full-time for the entire year, the member’s weeks and contributions should be based on 52 weeks. If less than 52 weeks of service is reported: 

    • A valid reason must be provided, such as reporting a leave of absence to account for the service shortfall via the Leaves of Absence file, or update the member status to part-time if they have changed their employment type. Or, 
    • If a member has less than 52 weeks but more than or equal to 51 weeks, weeks can be adjusted to 52 without adjusting contributions. This is meant to accommodate minor deviations (up to -1 week) from contributing at the full FTE for the period that may result from payroll scheduling and/or instances in which member trade shifts in one calendar for shifts that fall in the subsequent year.  

  • If the member enrols or terminates part way through the year, contributions should be deducted from pensionable earnings on fewer than the full-time equivalent (FTE) hours in a year for their position. Determine the maximum hours on which contributions can be deducted by prorating the FTE hours (for the full calendar year) to reflect the portion of the year actually worked. This will give you the FTEmaximum possible hours for the period (the partial year). Deducting contributions on pensionable earnings up to athe maximum of the possible hours in the FTE for the period ensures that the possible weeks of contributory service in the period will not be exceeded.  

For example, a new employee is enrolled in the Plan effective March 15. The FTE for her position is 1950 hours for a full calendar year. Between March 15 and December 31 there are 292 days which represents 80% of a full calendar year (292 ÷ 365 = 0.8). The maximum hours on which you should deduct contributions is therefore 1560 hours (1950 hours x 80%)

In addition to the above, if the member has made contributions for a reported leave of absence within the MDC year, those weeks and contributions must be reported and included within the weeks and contributions total. 

Exception: If weeks and contributions for periods of leave within the MDC year have already been reported as a lump sum contribution via the Remittance process for the same MDC year, they must be excluded from this file. Weeks and contribution information previously reported should not be reported again. For clarification, the Total Weeks Paid reported within the Contributory Leave file must be included in the MDC Weeks total. 

Note: Annualized earnings is only required for a very specific group of members and represents a very low volume. If this information is not available from your payroll system and you are unable to program this requirement you may choose not to populate this field. Within the HOOPP data collection process, we will review the data in the file and identify any members for which we are expecting Annualized Earnings. If it is expected and not provided, the Employer will be prompted to provide this information by manually entering in the value.

Field NameDescriptionMandatory FieldMax Field LengthData TypeExample
SINSocial Insurance Number No hyphens or spacesYes9Integer123456789
LastNameLast name of memberYes40CharacterSmith
FirstNameFirst name of memberYes40CharacterJohn
WeeksTotal contributory weeks for the MDC yearYes4Decimal51.05
LowContributionsTotal low contributions for the MDC yearYes9Decimal523.64
HighContributionsTotal high contributions for the MDC yearNo9Decimal321.23
PAPension Adjustment for the MDC yearYes5Integer12594
EmploymentTypeMost recent employment status of full-time or part-time.Yes2CodeFT
EmploymentType EffectiveDateEffective date of the most recent employment statusYes8Date10302015
AnnualizedEarningsAnnualized earnings for the MDC year. This field will normally be blank. Only provide if the member has waived contributions with HOOPP before January 2014.No8Integer52000

Contributory Leaves - File Requirements

This file is provided annually as part of the MDC (Member Data Collection) process. 

Information provided will update the member’s employment record with HOOPP for leaves where the member was part-time at any time within the MDC year.  The information advises HOOPP of the total number of weeks for which the member made contributions, and the percent of normal earnings (i.e. parttime service ratio) prior to leave commencement. 

Since the hours of a part-time member can fluctuate, you should average the hours for the 10-week period leading up to the leave.  Percent of normal earnings is determined as the total number of hours worked during the 10 week period, divided by the number of standard full-time hours available during the 10 week period.  For example:

Example 1: Member is a Part-Time and worked two 7.5 hour shifts per week during the 10 week period prior to leave.

    • Percent of Normal Earnings = (Total “actual” hrs worked) / (Total “full-time equivalent” hrs worked) 
    • Percent of Normal Earnings = [(2 x 7.5) x (10)] / [(37.5) x (10)] x 100 = [(150) / (375)] x 100 = 40.00

Example 2: Member is Full-Time and worked 20 hours per week during the 10 week period prior to leave.

    • Percent of Normal Earnings = (Total “actual” hrs worked) / (Total “full-time equivalent” hrs worked) 
    • Percent of Normal Earnings = [(20 x 10) / (37.5 x 10)] x 100 = [(200) / (375)] x 100 = 53.33

If the member was full-time for the entire MDC year, they should be excluded from this file. The weeks and contributions made for the leave period are included in the total weeks provided in the MDC data file – i.e. the MDC data file includes total weeks and contributions for both regular time and for periods of paid leaves for the MDC year.  The Leaves of Absence and MDC data files are all that are required to report this information to HOOPP for full-time members. 
Note: If the leave was not previously reported to HOOPP via the Leaves of Absence process, you can report net new contributory leaves for part-time members within this file. If the leave was previously reported to HOOPP but corrections are required, you must report these corrections through the Leaves of Absence file.

Field NameDescriptionMandatory FieldMax Field LengthData TypeExample
SINSocial Insurance Number No hyphens or spacesYes9Integer123456789
LastNameLast name of memberYes40CharacterSmith
FirstNameFirst name of memberYes40CharacterJohn
LeaveTypeReason code for the contributory leave typeYes2Code03
LeaveStartDateStart date of the leaveYes8Date10302015

End date of the leave.

If leave has not ended and the end date is unknown, input December 31 of the applicable MDC year.

TotalWeeksPaidTotal contributory weeks for the specified leave period
Note: If weeks for the same MDC year has already been reported through lump sum contributions via the Remittance process, they must be excluded from this total.
PctofNormalEarningsPercent of normal earnings (i.e. part-time service ratio) prior to leave commencement. If full-time prior to leave then report 100.Yes5Decimal50.3

Events (Termination & Retirement) - File Requirements

This file is provided in-year as part of the Final Data - Data Collection Process for a member who has terminated employment or has retired.  

This file allows employers to report final data related to service and contributions that is required in order for HOOPP to complete the terminated employment/retirement process and provide the member with benefit options.

This file should be used to report the applicable set of data once the Employer has confirmed the member’s final set of payroll information (e.g. service and contributions) as of the member’s last day worked. 

The following is a summary of requirements for reporting total weeks and contributions: 

  • Weeks and contributions reported should reflect both regular and overtime hours up to the full-time equivalency with contributions deducted on the straight-time portion of all pensionable earnings that are paid in the calendar year.   
  • Total weeks and contributions reported must not exceed 52 weeks for a given calendar year. For example, if the position is based on full-time of 1950 hours for a full calendar year, then contributions are deducted on all pensionable earnings up to 1950 hours. Contributions should not be deducted for hours the member works above the FTE for their position in any year.  

Exception: In a 27 pay period year weeks must also not exceed 52 weeks, however you must report contributions from pensionable earnings for the extra pay period, even if the member has already reached the FTE for their position on or before the 26th pay period. Contributions should be deducted on all pensionable earnings up to the FTE for the member’s position plus the regular hours associated with the additional pay period.   For example, if the position is based on full-time of 1950 hours (37.3 hours per week) then contributions would be made to a maximum of 2025 full-time hours. 

  •  Reported weeks and contributions are based on the maximum full-time standard hours that are available. This means that, if a member is full-time for the entire year, the member’s weeks and contributions should be based on 52 weeks. If less than 52 weeks of service is reported: 
  • A valid reason must be provided, such as reporting a leave of absence to account for the service shortfall via the Leaves of Absence file, or 
  • If a member has less than 52 weeks but more than or equal to 51 weeks, weeks can be adjusted to 52 without adjusting contributions. This is meant to accommodate minor deviations (up to -1 week) from contributing at the full FTE for the period that may result from payroll scheduling and/or instances in which member trade shifts in one calendar for shifts that fall in the subsequent year.  
  • If the member terminates part way through the year, you must prorate the FTE hours for the full calendar year to reflect the portion of the year actually worked. This will give you the FTE for the period (the partial year). Deducting contributions on pensionable earnings up to a maximum of the hours in the FTE for the period ensures that the possible weeks of contributory service in the period will not be exceeded.

For example, the employee terminates or retires effective March 31. The FTE for her position is 1950 hours for a full calendar. Between January 1 and March 31 there are 90 days which represents 25% of a full calendar year (90 ÷ 365 = 0.25). The maximum hours on which you should deduct contributions is therefore 487.5 hours (1950 hours x 25%).   

  • In addition to the above, if the member has made contributions for a reported leave of absence within the calendar year, those weeks and contributions must be reported and included within the weeks and contributions total. 

Exception: If weeks and contributions for periods of leave within the MDC year have already been reported as a lump sum contribution via the Remittance process for the same MDC year, they must be excluded from this file. Weeks and contribution information previously reported should not be reported again. For clarification, the Total Weeks Paid reported within the Contributory Leave file must be included in the Weeks total.

Note1: Annualized earnings is only required for a very specific group of members and represents a very low volume. If this information is not available from your payroll system and you are unable to program this requirement you may choose not to populate this field. Within the HOOPP data collection process, we will review the data in the file and identify any members for which we are expecting Annualized Earnings. If it is expected and not provided, the Employer will be prompted to provide this information by manually entering in the value. 

Note 2: Final data is only required for years where annual data has not already been reported to HOOPP via the MDC process.  Therefore, if the annual MDC data has already been submitted for a particular year that years data must not be reported again in this file.  

Field NameDescriptionMandatory FieldMax Field LengthData TypeExample
SINSocial Insurance Number No hyphens or spacesYes9Integer123456789
LastNameLast name of memberYes40CharacterSmith
FirstNameFirst name of memberYes40CharacterJohn
EventTypeEvent being reported (Termination or Retirement)Yes6CodeRETFIN
EmploymentEndDateLast day workedYes8Date10302015
Annualized Earnings_CurrentYear

Annualized earnings for the current year.

This field will normally be blank. Only provide if the member has waived contributions with HOOPP before January 2014.

Weeks_CurrentYearTotal contributory weeks for the current  yearYes4Decimal51.05
LowContributions_CurrentYearTotal low contributions for the current yearYes9Decimal523.64
HighContributions_Curr entYearTotal high contributions for the current yearNo9Decimal321.23
PA_CurrentYearPension Adjustment for the current yearYes5Integer12594
Annualized Earnings_PreviousYear

Annualized earnings for the MDC year.

This field will normally be blank. Only provide if MDC data has NOT been submitted, and the member has waived contributions with HOOPP before January 2014.  

Weeks_PreviousYearTotal contributory weeks for the MDC year. Only provide if MDC data has NOT been submitted. No4Decimal51.05
LowContributions_Prev iousYearTotal low contributions for the MDC year. Only provide if MDC data has NOT been submitted.No9Decimal523.64
HighContributions_Pre viousYearTotal high contributions for the MDC year. Only provide if MDC data has NOT been submitted. No9Decimal321.23
PA_PreviousYearPension Adjustment for the MDC year. Only provide if MDC data has NOT been submitted.No5Integer12594

Enrolments - File Requirements

This file is provided in-year as part of the member Enrolment - Data Collection Process.  

This file is used to enroll an Employee in the HOOPP plan.

Field NameDescriptionMandatory FieldMax Field LengthData TypeExample
SINSocial Insurance Number No hyphens or spacesYes9Integer123456789
TitleTitle of employeeNo4CodeMr.
LastNameLast name of employeeYes40CharacterSmith
MiddleInitialMiddle initial of employeeNo2CharacterAC
FirstNameFirst name of employeeYes40CharacterJohn
DateOfBirthBirth date of employeeYes8Date10302015
GenderGender of employeeYes1CodeM
LanguagePreferencePreferred language of the employeeYes1CodeF
HireDateDate employee was hired at specific employerYes8Date10302015
EnrolmentDateDate employee was enrolled in the planYes8Date10302015
EmploymentTypeCode that indicates employee’s type of employment Yes2CodePT
EmploymentType EffectiveDateEffective date of the employment typeYes8Date10302015
AnnualizedEarningsAnnualized earnings associated to the year of enrollmentYes8Integer52000
UnionDesignationCode identifying member's union designation at that specific employerYes7CodeOPSEU
TelephoneNumberEmployee’s primary contact numberYes15Character4165555555
EmailAddressEmail address of
AddressLine1First line of the employee’s addressYes40Character123 Street
AddressLine2Second line of the employee’s addressNo40CharacterApt. #805
AddressLine3Third line of the employee’s addressNo40CharacterPO BOX 456
CityCity of the employee’s addressYes40CharacterToronto
ProvinceStateProvince of the employee’s addressYes2CodeON
PostalCodeZipCodePostal code/Zip code of the employee’s addressYes12CharacterM5C 3B2
CountryCountry of the employee’s addressYes2CodeCA

Previous Year Adjustments - File Requirements 

This file is provided in-year as part of the remittance Monthly Contribution Reporting (MCR) process. 

Adjustment information will be used to update member’s record for years prior to the current MDC year.  Previous Year Adjustments shall only be reported for specific member level adjustments that have NOT been reported via the MDC process. 

Previous Year Adjustments can only be reported to HOOPP after the annual data (via MDC) for the adjustment year has been submitted.   

When reporting any type of previous year adjustment on an MCR, only report the adjustment amount (i.e. how much the data is changing) and not what was originally reported plus the adjustment amount.  The “Amended PA” is the only data reported that should include both the adjustment and the previously reported amount (i.e. the “full” PA amount).  

Note: Previous Year Adjustments can be a positive or negative amount.

Field NameDescriptionMandatory FieldMax Field LengthData TypeExample
SINSocial Insurance Number No hyphens or spacesYes9Integer123456789
LastNameLast name of memberYes40CharacterSmith
FirstNameFirst name of memberYes40CharacterJohn
AdjustementYearYear the previous year adjustment is in respect ofYes4Date (Year only)2014
WeeksAmended contributory weeks for the adjustment yearNo4Decimal20.05
LowContributionsAmended low contributions for the adjustment yearNo9Decimal523.64
HighContributionsAmended high contributions for the adjustment yearNo9Decimal321.23
AmendedPATotal Pension Adjustment for the adjustment yearYes5Integer12594

Calculation Requirements

Please refer to the HOOPP Employer Administration Manual for formula’s and examples for calculating the following: 

    • Employee Contributions (Low Contributions, High Contributions) 
    • Retro contributions 
    • Pension Adjustment (PA) 
    • Annualized Earnings (AE) 

Interface Codes

The following are the valid list of codes for each corresponding file type:

Employment Type

Interface CodeDescription 
FTFull Time

Part time

Contributory Leaves Types

Interface CodeDescription 
01Health Leave
02Family Medical Leave
03Pregnancy-Parental Leave
04Strike / Lockout
05Approved Work Schedule Reduction
06Emergency Leave
07Approved Non-Statutory Leave

Leave of Absence Leaves Types

Interface CodeDescription
01Health Leave
02Family Medical Leave
03Pregnancy-Parental Leave
04Strike / Lockout
05Approved Work Schedule Reduction
06Emergency Leave
07Approved Non-Statutory Leave
08Unapproved Absence


Interface CodeDescription 


Interface CodeDescription
Ms.General form of address for woman regardless of marital status.
Mrs.Married Woman
MissUnmarried Woman
Mr.General form of address for man regardless of marital status.

Contributory Status

Interface CodeDescription
NCNot contributing

Event Type

Interface CodeDescription

Language Preference

Interface CodeDescription
EEnglish Canada
FFrench Canada

Union Designation

Interface CodeDescription
AAHPOAmerican Armenian Health Professionals Organization
CIPPClinical Investigator Preparatory Program
CLACChristian Labour Association of Canada
CLCCanadian Labour Congress
CUOECanadian Union of Operating Engineers
CUPECanadian Union of Public Employees
IBEWInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
ICTUIndependent Canadian Transit Union
ITEInstitute of Transportation Engineers
IUOEInternational Union of Operating Engineers
LIUNALabourers’ International Union of North America
MULTIMultiple Union Designation
NONENo Union Designation
OCHUOntario Council of Hospital Unions
ONAOntario Nurses’ Association
OPEIUOffice and Professional Employees International Union
OPSOntario Public Service
OPSEUOntario Public Service Employees Union
OTHERUnion Designation Not Listed
PHFPublic Health Foundation
PNFOPractical Nurses Federation of Ontario
SEIUService Employees International Union Healthcare
UFCWUnited Food and Commercial Workers
UNIFORUnion for Canada
UPGWA International Union, United Plan Guard Workers of America


Interface CodeDescription
USUnited States


Interface CodeDescription
BCBritish Columbia
NBNew Brunswick
NLNewfoundland and Labrador
NTNorthwest Territories
NSNova Scotia
PEPrince Edward Island
DCDistrict of Columbia
NHNew Hampshire
NJNew Jersey
NMNew Mexico
NYNew York
NCNorth Carolina
NDNorth Dakota
RIRhode Island
SCSouth Carolina
SDSouth Dakota
WVWest Virginia
PRPuerto Rico
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