MDC - Employer Resources
This section provides details on how to submit information for the MDC process, FAQs and common data validation messages that you may encounter.
Job Aid on how to complete the MDC process (Step-by-Step text and Video)
You will complete the MDC process in HOOPP Insight – under the ‘My Data Collection’ tile, you will see a data collection that’s already been initiated by HOOPP. You simply click and open this data collection item to begin!
Below, we have a detailed step-by-step job aid on how to complete the MDC process. For those who prefer watching a video – we also have many prerecorded videos to aid you in the process. And as always, our Employer Service Specialists are always here to help should you need support!
MDC Checklist: Gets you ready. Now.
In addition to the job aids above, there are a number of things you can do to prepare and help save you time during the process. Please click here for a checklist of activities to complete before you formally start your MDC!
If you would like to download a fillable version – please click here.
In addition, to support incorporated physicians during the MDC process, the physician calculator tool (located on HOOPP Insight after May 2025) will provide you with the annual information that you need to report within the MDC process. From the ‘Earnings & contributions’ tab you will be able to use the total weeks and both Low and High contribution amounts as shown in the Summary service & earnings section. Note: these are estimated amounts only and based on the information that you provided in the tool with respect to your earnings and contributions. Information that you provide during the MDC process will be validated.
Frequently Asked Questions
We recognize that you may have questions that are not included here, in which case you can contact your Employer Service Specialists who will be glad to help. Please click on the arrow beside each question to expand.
Data Validations & Common Errors
Data validations are performed against the information that you provide to ensure that all member information is complete and accurate. If you encounter data validation messages when pro your MDC data, you can refer to this resource for common warnings and errors. If you have additional questions, please call one of our Specialists.
ID | Validation Message | Action Required |
5728 | This member is not eligible for this type of data collection/revisions.
| Only Active members should be reported within the MDC process. If the member is terminated or retired, you should remove these members from your MDC data collection.
For retired members, go to ‘Member Events’ where you can report the final retirement data, along with the members data for both the MDC years and any applicable data for the current year.
9815 | Annualized earnings should not be reported for this member. | Annualized earnings should only be reported for members that are no longer contributing because of waiving their contributions when they transitioned from Full time to Part time before 2014.
According to the information we have on file, this member has not waived their contributions. Please remove the annualized earnings from the members MDC record.
2955 | Annualized earnings must be provided for this member. | Annualized earnings must be reported for members that are no longer contributing because of waiving their contributions when they transitioned from Full time to Part time before 2014.
According to the information we have on file, this member waived their contribution. Please report the member’s annualized earnings.
7309 | Zero weeks have been reported for this member. Please revise member data or select a valid override reason to continue. If more information is required, please contact HOOPP. | According to our records this member was enrolled early December of the MDC year.
Please review and confirm if the member has service and contributions within the MDC year, and if so, update the members MDC record.
If the members first contributions are applicable to the following MDC year, you can provide a warning override and continue. |
5001 | Lump Sum Contributions for reporting year were previously reported for this member. Please verify that this service has been EXCLUDED. Select an override reason to continue.
| According to our records this member was on a leave of absence and lump sum contributions were already reported for the leave period. This validation is to verify that lump sum information is not being double reported through the MDC process.
Please ensure the weeks being reported in the MDC payroll information section, excludes the weeks previously reported through the lump sum contribution process. Next select the warning override and continue.
3029 | Low Contributions for the reporting year cannot be greater than maximum amount of {$x} for the weeks reported. | You have reported more low contributions than is expected based on the weeks provided. Please review and confirm the members total weeks, low and high contributions and correct the information as appropriate.
480 | Low Contributions cannot be less than weeks reported. To continue, update the entry or select an override reason.
| Reported low contributions are less than expected based on the reported weeks and reported high contributions.
Please review and confirm the members total weeks, low and high contributions and correct the information as appropriate.
If the information provided is correct, select the warning override and continue.
1238 | The Annualized Earnings amount of {$x} is {variance %} greater than the prior year's Annualized Earnings of {$x}. | According to our records the member’s calculated annualized earning is 15% greater than last year. This validation is to ensure that the increase is valid and not due to an error in the members weeks or contributions.
Verify the accuracy of the current information you have provided and from the Member Profile, review the members prior year’s weeks and contributions to confirm accuracy and provide corrections as needed. If there is an error in the weeks and/or contributions for the prior year, you will need to submit a Previous Year Adjustment through the Remittance process.
If the increase is valid, provide an override reason to explain the increase and continue.
5613 | The Annualized Earnings amount of {$x} has decreased by {variance amount} from the prior year's Annualized Earnings of {$x}. | According to our records the member’s annualized earning has decreased from last year. This validation is to ensure that the decrease is valid and not due to an error in the members weeks or contributions.
Verify the accuracy of the current information you have provided and from the Member Profile, review the members prior year’s weeks and contributions to confirm accuracy and provide corrections as needed. If there is an error in the weeks and/or contributions for the prior year, you will need to submit a Previous Year Adjustment through the Remittance process.
If the decrease is valid, provide an override reason to explain the decrease and continue.
2990 | Please verify that the Annualized Earnings amount of {$x} is correct. | This member was enrolled within the MDC year and the calculated Annualized Earnings (based on the weeks and contributions you reported) are either below or above an expected earning threshold.
Please review the members weeks and contributions to confirm accuracy and provide corrections as needed. If the information is accurate provide an override reason and continue.
66 and 3002 | Total weeks reported for {Reporting Year} plus weeks previously reported exceed the {Service} maximum possible weeks. | Based on the information we have on file you are reporting more service than is available for this member.
Please review and update as required the total weeks you have reported, including a review of all leaves of absences to ensure all leave start and end dates are correct and up to date.
If the member enrolled within the year, please also verify the enrolment date. If this date is incorrect, contact your Employer Specialist for support.
3506 | The weeks reported for {Reporting Year} should be adjusted to {Service}. Contributions may not need to be adjusted if reported correctly.
| Members whose service is within 1 week of the maximum allowable service should be adjusted to the amount indicated in the validation message. The purpose of this adjustment is to account for the slight differences in service year over year, such as shift scheduling. Note: no adjustments to contributions are required.
573 and 3466 | Total weeks reported for {Reporting Year} plus weeks previously reported are less than {Service} minimum weeks that should be reported.
| Based on the information provided, you are reporting less weeks than expected for a full-time member.
Please review and update as required the total weeks you have reported, including a review of all leaves of absences to ensure all leave start and end dates are correct and up to date. In addition, review and confirm if the member is full-time, or became part-time within the MDC year. If part-time, update the members employment status and effective date of the status change.
If the member enrolled within the MDC year, please also verify the enrolment date. If this date is incorrect, contact your Employer Specialist for support.
6012 | This member is part-time with a leave on file for which a contributory leave applies.
Please complete the contributory leave information for this member or select an override reason.
| Please review of all leaves of absence information and verify that all leave start and end dates are correct and up to date.
In addition, confirm if the member made contributions for the reported leave periods. If the member made contributions, you must provide this information within the Contributory Leave section of your MDC process. You will need to include the total weeks paid and percent of normal earnings. For more information on contributory leaves, reference the following section of the Learning Centre.
Data Collection File Layout & Requirements
If you are providing information to HOOPP using the file upload or the file builder feature, below is a link to the file and field formats requirements. The link includes information such as mandatory vs. optional field for input, field length and type.
MDC – Format Requirements