For Plan Rules, please visit the Admin Manual: Link
Executive Contact | This role is given to Executives or Officers of your organization. Executive contacts will receive all Executive outbound communications, HOOPP member newsletters, and other online news to update their employees as necessary, however, they will have no access to the HOOPP Insight website. |
Payment Administrator | The Payment Administrator is responsible for the preparation and submission of the organization’s monthly contributions. Permissions for this role include: - Creating and submitting remittance information to HOOPP
- Applying credits or invoices to remittances
- Receiving remittance-related alerts and notifications
- Viewing remittance/payment-related reports, invoices, and Statement of Account (SOA)
- Secure messaging and requests for information
- Receiving HOOPP Employer News and HOOPP Alerts on day-to-day plan administration processes
Data Administrator | The Data Administrator is responsible for preparing all member data collection and maintaining member’s records. Permissions for this role include: - Submitting member events – e.g. enrolments, retirements
- Viewing and updating member level data
- Uploading, preparing and submitting annual member data collection (MDC)
- Receiving data collection-related alerts and notifications
- Member level reporting, including the Statement of Account (SOA)
- Secure messaging and requests for information
- Receiving HOOPP Employer News and HOOPP Alerts on day-to-day plan administration processes
Global Administrator | The Global Administrator is responsible for all aspects of HOOPP administration. Permissions for this role include: - Reviewing and updating member level data
- Sending remittance information to HOOPP
- Managing access for all employer users (e.g. add, remove and update user’s access)
- Viewing all reports
- Receiving HOOPP Employer News and HOOPP Alerts on day-to-day plan administration processes
- Providing direction on any administrative matter