3.4 Retired Members
New employees who are receiving a HOOPP pension when they are hired have two options. They can:
continue to collect their pension while they work, and not re-enrol in HOOPP; or
temporarily suspend their pension and re-enrol in HOOPP
If a retired member chooses to continue receiving their HOOPP pension and does not want to re-enrol then no action is required on your part. If a retired member chooses to re-enrol then they must resume making contributions at your organization on the first day of the month following their last pension payment, regardless of whether they are working on a full-time or part-time basis. During their re-employment period, their pension will be suspended and will resume when they terminate employment or when they decide to cease making contributions and resume their pension payments, if earlier. If a retired member is interested in suspending their pension and re-enrolling:
Inform the retired member to contact HOOPP to discuss their options.
You will be required to initiate an Enrolment event in HOOPP Insight if the retired member notifies you of their decision to suspend their pension and re-enrol in HOOPP.
Retired members need to be aware that they will not receive any pension payments from HOOPP during the period during which they resume making contributions. They are also not eligible to apply for HOOPP disability benefits or to purchase past service. While the member will get a larger pension if they re-enrol – based on the benefits they were receiving before, plus their new period of service and earnings – it is possible that the value of the pension payments they forego may be more than the increase in their future pension.
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Current as of January 2, 2025