Addressing Errors & Warnings

Addressing Errors & Warnings

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If your data collection contains errors or warnings, they will need to be addressed before you can proceed to the next step.

Auto-Correcting Data Errors

In some cases you may trigger errors that can be auto-corrected, which means all members with a specific error can be cleared in one step.

To view these errors, click on the Auto-Correct Summary drop-down menu.

Note: If there are no batch corrections, the Auto-Correct Summary and Auto-Correction button will not appear.

To auto-correct the errors, click on Auto-Correction.

In the Auto-Correct tile, select a validation type by clicking on a radio button.

Members related to this error will be displayed on the screen.

To update all member records and clear the error(s) related to this validation, click on Apply Calculated Value to All.

Then click Confirm in the confirmation pop-up window.

HOOPP’s calculation will be applied to all the member records.

To update only specific member records, select one or more check boxes on the left of the screen, and then click on Apply Calculated Value to Selection.

Then click Confirm in the confirmation pop-up window.

HOOPP’s calculation will be applied to the records selected.

Continue addressing each group of validations until all the batch corrections are complete.

Note: We recommend clearing Pension Adjustment (PA) errors once all other errors are complete.

Then click on Go Back to Main Validation Screen.

Manually Correcting Data Errors

If your data triggers errors that are not part of the auto-correct feature, you can correct the record(s) manually.

Information about the outstanding errors will be displayed in the right-hand panel.

Start by selecting a member record from the list, and information about the error will be displayed on the right.

If a record has multiple errors, you will need to address all the errors (or warnings) for that member.

Click on View Member Data to view the member record.

Then correct the member’s information to address the error.

If there are multiple errors, use the arrow key to scroll through to the next error.

Scroll and correct each error until all the errors (or warnings) have been addressed for this member.

Then select Save to continue.

Repeat the process until all errors have been corrected for each of your members.

Then select Validate to make sure all the errors have been cleared.

Approving Data Warnings

If your data triggers Warnings (indicated by a yellow dot), you will need to correct the data to address the issue, or verify the data and approve the warning by providing a reason why the data is correct.

Start by selecting the member record from the list, and information about the warning will be displayed on the right.

To correct the data, select View Member Data and then correct the member’s information to address the issue.

Or, to approve the Warning, click on Approve Warning.

Select the appropriate reason from the list provided.

Then click Save to continue.

Repeat the process until all warnings have been addressed.

Then select Validate to make sure the warnings have been cleared.

Postponing Member Records

If you would like to set aside one or more member records to work on at a later time, you can Postpone the records. These records will be removed from the current data collection and moved to a “Postponed” file that can be accessed from the Data Collections page at a later time. This can be helpful for situations in which you need to verify a member's data, but wish to proceed to submit other members whose data is already verified.

To postpone a member, start by selecting the member record that you would like to postpone.

Then click on Postpone Member.

Next, provide an explanation for future reference and click Save to continue.

Once the data collection has been submitted to HOOPP, the Postponed member(s) will be removed from the current data collection and moved to a Postponed data collection that can be accessed from the Data Collections page.

You can work on these record(s) and submit to HOOPP at a later time.

Deleting Member Records

If a member was included by mistake, you can delete the record from the data collection. However, you should not delete members who are part of your annual MDC collection. This can be helpful for situations in which you may have mistakenly entered data for an employee who is not part of HOOPP, or if a member perhaps terminated during the MDC year and already had their data submitted.

To delete a member, return to Step 2 by selecting Add Member Data from the top of the page.

Then select the member you would like to delete and click on the Trash Can icon.

Postponed and Deleted members will appear in the Summary of Validations report for reference.

"Rather Watch? Click here to view the How to Reject a Member Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view the Using the Pensoin Adjustment Auto Correction Feature"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view Auto Correction Feature Weeks Less Than Expected Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view Auto Correct Full-time Active Exceeds Maximum Weeks Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view the Addressing In Year Enrolments Exceeding Maximum Weeks Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view Addressing Multiple Errors for One Member Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view the Postponing a Member Video"

"Rather Watch? Click here to view the Addressing Warnings Video"

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